As standalone FR sys, stage monitor or mid-hi unit in combination with a sub, designed to suite various applications due to its performing capabilities
Series Highlights
Powerful multipurpose 2-way speakers
The DUAL PRO series speaker range offers high-quality 2-way, elegant, refined and wedge shaped enclosures
Designed to deliver nothing but high performances the series incorporates 12” (3in) and 15” (3in) midbass transducers with high power handling capabilities combined with a 1.4” (2.56in) Neodymium driver coupled to a CD horn to ensure a precise audience coverage, improved sound quality and outstanding speech intelligibility.
The dispersion of the CD horn is symmetric and rotatable 90°x60° or 60°x90° in order to keep the same coverage in case of horizontal use as the DLP enclosures offer a monitor wedge shape in case of use as a stage monitor.
Suited for FOH, High-end monitor, Frontfill systems
Easy and flexible operation using the DLP speakers
For an easy and flexible operation the DLP speakers offer 2x NL4 on the back and 1x NL4MPR on the bottom to facilitate wiring in stage monitor applications. A SM7DT pole mount flange on the bottom allows a 0° and 5° horizontal tilt for loudspeaker cabinets on speaker stands in a way that the dispersion of the high frequencies can be controlled and adjusted according to the location and application.
Additional mounting hardware such as a “U” bracket is available to allow both vertical and horizontal permanent installation. As a true multipurpose speaker the DUAL PRO speakers are usable as standalone full range system, compact stage monitor or as a mid-hi unit in combination with a subwoofer, designed to suite various fields of application because of its strength and performing capabilities.